A six-hour course intended for Managers, Operations and Maintenance Personnel and Technical Support Personnel who require an understanding of hazardous locations. The course covers hazards posed by flammable gases/vapours in classified locations, hazardous area classification drawings, and OH&S regulations as they apply to HazLoc.
Course Description
Learning Objectives:
To understanding the hazards posed by flammable gases/vapours in classified locations
To read and understand a hazardous area classification drawing
To know the OH&S regulations as they apply to hazardous locations
Allan Bozek, P.Eng, MBA
Allan has over 30 years experience in the design, construction, commissioning and maintenance of industrial power systems. The scope of his experience includes manufacturing, oil and gas production, refining, water treatment and mining industrial facilities. He is a member of the IEEE industrial applications society, a committee member of the Canadian Electrical Code Section 18 (Hazardous Locations) and is a registered Profession Engineer in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario.
Detailed Outline
1. Defining the Hazard
The Fire Triangle
Probability of a release and an ignition event
Normal vs. Abnormal vs. Catastrophic release events
2. Properties of Flammable Materials a. Flashpoint
GHS and WHIMIS classification of flammable materials
3. Regulatory Requirements
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation
Canadian Electrical Code
4. Hazardous Area Classification - Overview
Purpose of a hazardous area classification
Division vs. Zone
Design Process
Hazardous area classification standards and recommended practices
Documentation requirements
Use of ventilation, purging and vapour tight barriers as a basis for a hazardous area classification
Installation of non-hazardous rated equipment in hazardous locations
Interpreting a hazardous area classification drawing
Review of several area classification designs
compressor station
Large gas processing facility
5. Regulated Work Activities in Hazardous Locations
Work activities incorporating potential sources of ignition
Evaluation of potential ignition sources
Use of vehicles in hazardous locations
Hot Work permits
Gas watch procedures
Gas detector calibration requirements
Grounding and bonding in hazardous locations
Use of Portable electronics in hazardous locations
Certification requirements
Interpreting hazardous location markings on portable equipment
Tutorial – Evaluating portable equipment for use in a hazardous location
6. Operations and Maintenance in Hazardous Locations
Building ventilation systems
Tarpaulin enclosed areas
Storage of flammable materials
Laboratories handling flammable materials
Process secondary seals
Care and maintenance of explosion-proof equipment
7. Case Studies
Use of cheater cords for construction
Turnaround activities impacting the hazardous area classification
Ventilation system modification for winter months
Hot work on a storage tank
Vehicle operation in a hazardous location